Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rain on the Face

It hasn't been a heavy rain tonite, but one that like a long lost friend, has been missed. The absence of this friend evokes response from all the senses; the repetitive pounding of the rain on the roof, and falling onto the ground; the cool brisk air on the face, reminiscent of cross country meets, walking home from football games and lonely walks; walks that tempts one to not turn around, to walk into the arms of destiny.

The rain also has a smell of freshness and renewal; hope and motivation for the courage to walk new paths.

But it is the feel of the rain on the face that conjures up a lifetime of memories. The innocent wonder of an inquisitive child wondering  "Where does the rain come?". Long walks of solitude by a confused teenager wondering where he fits in life; asking and looking for answers to fill the gaps of loneliness and yearning for a future of new goals, new friends, new outcomes. This rain is very uniquely reminiscent of one memory; son and dad; his first football game, one that he will likely not remember but a long walk back from a now long gone stadium to the boy's rescuing feelings of warmth of the car. Dad's feelings and memories of warmth are quite different, then and now.

The rain today however, sometimes summons feelings of failure, memories on a path that have led to an unplanned for future, but it is a future full of new possibilities, new memories of rain to be had, to be experienced and to be shared with those closest; eternally closest and forever loved.

Perhaps these memories are shared, perhaps they are forgotten, but the experiences spawning the memories are what will be remembered and felt; felt much like the rain on the face. For perhaps, new memories await, new feelings to be felt, new echoes to be heard and cool breezes to be felt.

Perchance I am only now learning that the rain is meant to both nourish the memories needing to be indelibly anchored in the heart and soul, to wash away the burdens of guilt and unfulfilled hopes and dreams of the past and most importantly to initiate the growth of new experiences, memories, goals and friendships. Maybe it is the new rain of my life; the life giving water that turns our gaze outward and in to the hearts of those that mean the most to us; those that need the nourishment of our concern, friendship and love.

1 comment:

  1. Priceless Post right here!!!!! Ummmmm well written - well said, Joe. Thanks!
